

To update configuratorware it is necessary to have a valid licence installed.

The update is a 2-step process:

  • Update the api and database

  • Update or rebuild the frontendgui and admingui

Api and Database

For each update, it is recommended to first backup the database before upgrading. To update the api and the database run via shell from the project directory: composer update-configuratorware

Make sure to read the upgrade notes for the version you’re about to install. Deprecations, breaking changes, updated dependencies and other version specific changes are documented there:

The latest upgrade notes can also be found in the vendor folder in your configuratorware based project: vendor/configuratorware/configurator-api/UPGRADE-<VersionNumber>.md

frontendgui and admingui

If there is no customizing in frontend projects it’s possible to use prebundled frontends by running: bin/console configuratorware:download-frontend-apps [argument]

This command downloads a ready to use version of the configuratorware frontendgui and admingui and can be run with the following different arguments:

  • frontendgui to update only the frontendgui

  • admingui to update only the admingui

  • frontendgui+admingui to update both

For customized frontends it is necessary to setup a build process to create bundled versions.