Communication with the embedded configurator

The embedded configurator uses the postMessage api to notify the parent window about various events, like “add to cart” or “configuration saved”.

Receiving Messages

The container page can listen to these events, so it can react to them. This can be done in the following way:

<!-- listening to message events -->
        window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
        const data =;
        console.log('message posted from the embedded page', data);

        const method = data.method;
        const code = data.code;
        const save_id = data.save_id;

        switch (method) {
            case 'configurationsaved': {
                console.log('the user clicked the save button in the top right corner, and received the following code: ' + code);
                // do other actions here
            case 'addtocart': {
                console.log('the user clicked the "add to cart" button in the bottom right corner, and received the following code: ' + code);
                // do other actions here
            case 'configurationsaved_remotely': {
                console.log('the configuration was saved remotely and received the following code: ' + code + ', the save_id was ' + save_id);
                // do other actions here
            case 'requestoffer_form_sent': {
                console.log('the request offer form was sent for the configuration code: ' + code);
                // do other actions here
            default: {
                console.log('unhandled or unknown method: ' + method);

<!-- embedding the configurator -->
<iframe src="/identifier:softshell_creator_2d" id="configurator_page" width="100%" height="100%" allow="clipboard-write self *;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

With the configuration code from the message event, the surrounding page can retrieve the detail information for the saved configuration and the calculation.


The call returns a json object with all relevant information to the configuration, e.g. selected options, selected designareas, and the calculated price. The price is calculated as soon as you load this call, so you can update the price e.g. from your cart. JSON Example:

  "code": "XYZ123",
  "item": "Item Name",
  "itemIdentifier": "123456",
  "calculation": {
    "total": 519,
    "totalFormatted": "519.00 €",
    "netTotal": 436.13,
    "netTotalFormatted": "436.13 €",
  "optionclassifications": [
      "identifier": "component_identifier",
      "title": "Component Title",
      "selectedoptions": [
          "identifier": "option_identifier",
          "title": "Option Title",
          "amount": 1
  "images": [
  "customdata": {},
  "date_created": {
    "date": "2037-07-13 17:32:41.000000",
    "timezone_type": 3,
    "timezone": "Europe/Paris"


More information on the postMessage api:

Add to cart

If the user selects to add a configuration to the cart, in the configurator a message is sent to the parent window.

window.parent.postMessage({ method: 'addtocart', code: 'XYZ123' }, targetOrigin);

Save configuration

After the user saves a configuration, the following message is sent to the parent window:

window.parent.postMessage({ method: 'configurationsaved_remotely', code: 'XYZ123' }, targetOrigin);

Configuration saved remotely

After a configuration was saved remotely, the following message is sent to the parent window:

window.parent.postMessage({ method: 'configurationsaved', code: 'XYZ123', save_id: 'a_random_id_123' }, targetOrigin);

The save_id equals the value that you passed in - see Saving a configuration.

Request offer form sent

After the user sends the request offer form, the following message is sent to the parent window:

window.parent.postMessage({ method: 'requestoffer_form_sent', code: 'XYZ123' }, targetOrigin);

Sending Messages

Switch options

To switch options for a loaded creator item, you can send a postMessage with the components / options to select as JSON payload to the embedded configurator:

document.getElementById('configurator_page').contentWindow.postMessage({type: 'switch_options', options: '[{"identifier":"component_identifier1","selectedoptions":[{"identifier":"option_identifier_1","amount":2},{"identifier":"option_identifier_2"}]},{"identifier":"component_identifier2","selectedoptions":[{"identifier":"option_identifier_3"}]}]'});

If you don’t provide an amount for an option, it defaults to 1.

Saving a configuration

To save the current configuration, you can send a postMessage with an optional save_id to identify the async response (see Configuration saved remotely) as payload to the embedded configurator:

document.getElementById('configurator_page').contentWindow.postMessage({type: 'switch_options', save_id: 'a_random_id_123', save_type: 'cart'});

The save_type parameter can be set to either ‘cart’ or ‘user’ and defaults to ‘user’ if it’s not provided.

Editing configurations from the cart

If you want to let the users edit their configurations that are already added to the cart you can open the saved configuration with the parameter _frombasket.

<iframe src="https://[configuratorURL]/code:{code}?_frombasket=1" width="100%" height="100%" allow="clipboard-write self *;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

If the user then chooses to add the configuration to the cart again it will be overwritten. The Post Message then contains the same code for the configuration as before. By that code you can then update your position in the cart.